Meet our patients
Diana is a girl who came to our program due to the consequences of COVID-19. In her family there were 5 people who went through COVID at the same time. However, of those 5 people, she was the one who had the most disease, leaving her with pain in her legs and hips, pain when breathing and feeling like she was suffocating. When she ran or tried to play, her legs began to weaken and she fell repeatedly. Therefore she became afraid and stopped playing. It was a great shock for me to learn of Diana's young age. I had no idea that the disease was leaving such marked sequels in young children. Diana started with her respiratory therapies and little by little they were combined with physical therapies, play therapy and coordination exercises. From the third day of therapy noticeable changes were seen, mainly the attitude and happiness that were seen as soon as she arrived at CIBAC. She began to breathe properly and her chest stopped hurting. As her therapies passed, she began to report less pain in her legs and when she did the activities, her legs gained more and more strength. She did NOT fall again since she began her therapies and was discharged in the second block of therapies (24 therapies). The best thing about the experience with Diana was seeing how such a small girl made an effort to feel better, the desire and energy that she dedicated to each therapy and above all the enthusiasm with which she came to perform the treatment, overcome fear and come back to play as every child wants. Nothing gives me more satisfaction for myself than to see someone walking again, carrying their children, working or enjoying what they love most in life.
Maria arrived with a walker and an oxygen concentrator. It was difficult for her to walk and breathe, she had lost his son due to COVID. Unfortunately, she had to witness his death in the hospital since they were both hospitalized. At first it was difficult because we did not achieve adequate respiratory coordination, but as the sessions passed, she left the walker and began to walk on her own. She continued with the therapies and began to lower the levels with the oxygen tank and continued with her therapy. After 4 months she managed to get out without a tank and walking on her own. If I could describe in one sentence what we have experienced these months, I would say that thinking about pulmonary rehabilitation is giving humanity a second chance.
Oscar is a 72-year-old adult who arrived at CIBAC due to the sequelae of COVID-19 in August, without being able to detach himself from his oxygen tank and without being able to lead his life independently, his main objective was to be able to take off the oxygen and In 2 months I went from being connected every day, day and night with 3 Lts/min to not needing it at all and feeling much better. He was discharged in January of this year, almost 100% recovered from his sequelae. At the beginning of his therapies, the treatment was appropriate to his needs and as he performed his exercises more easily, they increased in difficulty, from the simplest such as standing on one foot for 10 seconds to being on the treadmill for 20 minutes without no problem.
Laura, 62 years old, a patient who before covid was totally independent and very active in her business selling tamales. She had covid and was hospitalized for a month, during her process she had pulmonary thromboembolism and pulmonary fibrosis as a sequel. She arrives with us at the service using a walker and with the possibility of walking short distances, she had muscle weakness and that prevented her from performing her functions such as changing, bathing, or cleaning himself after going to the bathroom. Laura had a discouraged appearance and did not pay much attention to her personal grooming, in her medical evaluation she showed signs of depression. After 4 blocks of 12 sessions, Laura walks much faster and longer distances, only using a cane for support, she is also independent for all her basic activities, bathes herself, dresses herself and can wash herself afterwards going to the bathroom, which represented for her a moment of satisfaction and happiness that moved her to tears. Finally, Laura is once again able to drive her car and carry out activities outside the home without the supervision of her husband, who is also an older adult and who was in charge of her entire care. Laura is discharged and you can see a look of joy and gratitude for giving her back her functionality and the opportunity to be independent.
José, a patient who arrived at CIBAC using a 24-hour oxygen concentrator, presented muscle weakness and considerable fatigue when performing activities of daily living. We were advanced to lower the volume of use in the concentrator, until leaving it for longer periods, even hours, José mentions feeling much better, since he can take walks in the park of his house without the need to use oxygen, so that before he did not leave his home only for essential things due to the difficulty he mentions in having to use the oxygen tank or concentrator, today he can leave his home more without that inconvenience, we continue working to stop using the oxygen concentrator completely.
Roberto is a 75-year-old patient, who entered CIBAC in a wheelchair in August 2021, one of the various sequelae left by covid-19 was muscle weakness. Roberto was a very committed patient with his therapies, he worked on therapies re-educating his breathing, applying electrotherapy to reduce his joint pain; and strengthening arms and legs to increase muscle strength. At the beginning of his therapies the patient needed complete help from his therapist and his son to stand up and/or sit down. It should be noted that Roberto in all his therapies showed himself to be a faithful lover of dance, and he showed it by moving only his head and shoulders when he wanted to dance, following the rhythm of the music. The therapy sessions progressed and the patient managed to be more and more independent and even dance standing up with the support of his walker. Thanks to the efforts of Roberto and his family, he was discharged in December 2021 and managed to leave the wheelchair, as well as to have more strength and balance, walking again with the help of a walker.
Sonia, 60 years old, a teacher, with sequelae such as general muscle weakness, desaturation during physical activity and with simple activities such as speaking, as well as fatigue, balance and concentration problems. The patient performed very well during her exercises, she was constant and lasted 2 blocks with us. She mentioned to me that she longed to be able to go out and travel together with her partner, which, after improving her physical condition during therapies, is currently traveling, without any problem. Now without alterations in his oxygen saturation and without body pain to perform physical activity. She even commented that her attitude towards life improved after the therapies, definitely a success story.
For me, one of the best success stories among my patients is the case of Cecilia. She comes to CIBAC due to post covid-19 sequelae such as difficulty breathing and Guillén Barré syndrome also caused by covid-19, noticing that since her arrival arrived in a wheelchair and with supplemental oxygen. Unexpectedly, after her third session, she was able to leave the oxygen for the entire session and after her seventh session, she was able to leave the wheelchair and move around the entire center (CIBAC) with very little difficulty. Today in her 11th session, she arrives with us without an oxygen tank and walking on her own. She and all the patients at CIBAC are examples of what it is to be a warrior.